base point 意味

発音を聞く:   base pointの例文
  • 基点{きてん}


  1. the kintetsu kyoto line is a trunk line that crosses the kintetsu nara line , katamachi line , keihan main line and jr kyoto line , which are radial lines directed outward from their base point , osaka station; in recent years , the express trains have been crowded even in the daytime .
  2. this is the same treatment with the changes made in the imperial court of emperor tenmu in which the kabane of the clan corresponding to the head of clan was changed into muraji as the preliminary step before to get to yakusa no kabane (eight official titles conferred upon nobles by emperor tenmu in 684 ); emperor tenmu made this muraji (above the rank of shokini ) a base point and changed into four hereditary titles of above imiki .
  3. for the land divided into the units described above , the horizontal row of ri was called ' jo ' and the vertical row of ri was called ' ri ,' and from the base point that was arbitrary set , each section could be clearly indicated such as ichi-jo , ni-jo , and san-jo (first jo , second jo , and third jo ) vertically and ichi-ri , ni-ri , and san-ri (first ri , second ri , and third ri ) horizontally .


        base point in time:    基準時点{きじゅん じてん}
        base point line:    基準線{きじゅんせん}
        floating point base:    floating point base 浮動小数点基数[電情]
        floating-point base:    floating-point base 浮動小数点基数[地球]; 浮動小数点基底[電情]〈00確X0005:情報処理用語(データの表現)〉
        pulse base center point:    pulse base center point パルスベース中央点[電情]
        at base:    要するに
        at the base of:    ふもとに、根底に、~の底部{ていぶ}に
        base:     1base n. 基礎, 基盤, 基部, 根拠; 基地; つけ根; 主成分, ベース; 底辺; 基数; 〔野球〕 塁. 【動詞+】 The troops abandoned their base. 部隊は基地を放棄した change one's base 転進する, 退却する clear the bases with a home run 〔野球〕 ホ
        base of:    ~の基部
        base on:    ~に基づく、~に準拠する Well, what are you basing this on? I would like to know what they're basing their information on. On what are you basing your information? What are you basing your assumptions on?
        base...:    base... 卑-(電化)[化学]
        on base:    {名} :
        on-base:    {名} : 《野球》出塁率{しゅつるい りつ}
        the base:    the base 底面 ていめん
        a point:    a point 一籌 いっちゅう


  1. "base plan" 意味
  2. "base plate" 意味
  3. "base plate for a printed circuit board" 意味
  4. "base plate supporter" 意味
  5. "base play" 意味
  6. "base point in time" 意味
  7. "base point line" 意味
  8. "base portion" 意味
  9. "base position" 意味
  10. "base plate supporter" 意味
  11. "base play" 意味
  12. "base point in time" 意味
  13. "base point line" 意味

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